Tk20 Management Tool

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What is Tk20?

Students in Campbell’s School of Education & Human Sciences can utilize Tk20 as they prepare to become professionals, educators and leaders. Tk20 helps students record field experiences gained while completing their clinical training, build portfolios for employment and/or continued education, log time spent on various educational activities in order to achieve state certification. 

The program is also used by the School of Education & Human Sciences to help collect, manage, analyze, and report data needed for program improvement. It also satisfies the reporting demands for accreditations at state, regional, and national levels.

The School of Education & Human Sciences conducts a systematic assessment of candidates, programs and operations in order to ensure graduates are prepared to work in their chosen professions, as well as to satisfy all assessment-related requirements of accrediting and approval bodies for quality programs, 

Assessment requirements to maintain state approvals and national accreditation are very specific, quite extensive, and complex. Several tools are used by the School of Education & Human Sciences to manage assessment plans including Tk20, a system that allows students to submit a variety of assessments (course-embedded assignments, field experience evaluations, program-specific observations, portfolios, etc.) that are used to measure student performance. 

These assessments are then connected to other student performance data such as scores on entrance and certification tests taken outside the School of Education & Human Sciences and grades in courses. Programs then use these multiple sources of data to examine and improve courses and make curricular and procedural revisions that are needed to improve student learning.

Helpful Hints

  • Tk20 works best with the latest version of Google Chrome.
  • Don’t use the browser’s “Back” button. (Use “Back” in the form, Save, Close, Cancel, etc.)
  • Always save. Don’t “Submit” until you are completely finished.
  • Do not open TK20 in more than one browser/browser tab at a time. It will usually “time-out” without saving your work.
  • Save often